My Creative Process Behind Blogging: The Blueprint

I’ve been blogging a little over three years now and finally feel as though I know what I’m actually doing. I jumped into this with no prior knowledge on how create a blog or build an SEO friendly website. Now that I have a consistent following and have built this little community, I’d like to think I’ve honed in on my creative process. Today I’ll be sharing with you guys how I brainstorm and create my content as well as some tips you can follow to build a more consistent, creative content calendar.

Your creative process blueprint will go through many phases and changes. There is SO much that I have learned over the last few years when it comes to blogging and content creation. And to this day, I’m still learning as I go. I credit my growth and knowledge from mistakes I’ve made early on and learning from other bloggers. Whether you’re creating a long-form blog post or something simple and sweet, everyone has a different creative approach.

It’s All About Your Story and Passion

The beauty of blogging is that you can make it about whatever you’d like. When I first started my blog, I wasn’t necessarily sure where it would take me or what it would be about. I figured if I created a lifestyle blog I could talk about almost anything. This place has become a safe space where I share my life advice, travels, cocktails and more. It’s given me the ability to journal, be vulnerable, and connect with new friends. If you’re thinking about blogging and don't know where to start, think about something you’re passionate about. I’ve seen many food bloggers, mental health bloggers, fashion bloggers, etc., the opportunities are endless. Simply stick to your story, share your authentic experiences, and the creative juices will flow naturally.

My Creative Process to Blogging:

When it comes to my creative process, I’ve learned to jot absolutely everything that comes to mind. Every idea and thought that pops into my head, I write it down either in my phone’s note section or my planner. There are times where I actively sit down and brainstorm, but sometimes it’s not that easy. Sometimes I’ll be in the middle of doing something, so simply as dishes or grocery shopping, when an idea will pop into my head. I accept any and all creative juices that come my way, and let the ideas linger for a while before I draft a post. My number one tip for my fellow bloggers is to write everything down. Whether you don’t like the idea right now, it may be of value in the future. It’s important to organize your thoughts and physically visualize them in from of you. We are constantly dealing with so much and can’t always rely on our memory to store every detail and idea that pops up. Therefore, don’t push off any ideas or creative juices that come your way. Jot it down and save it for later. You’d be surprised, it could turn into a series of multiple blog posts (my cocktail series started that way).

What Comes First: Design or Copy?

The answer is both. When it comes to creating content, I’m pretty flexible. If I have an idea, I’ll write a blog post and then shoot content. And sometimes, if I already have content, I’ll brainstorm and work towards creating the copy. There’s really no wrong answer here. So long as you have a vision and idea, everything will come into place. Sometimes it’s best to have your visual content first and then write everything out. It makes it easier to schedule and automate your posts. It’s also great to build up a portfolio of original and third-party content you can pull from at any moment in time. For third-party content, I LOVE and recommend using Unsplash for free high-resolution images. It’s a great resources with millions of professional quality imagery. I’ve used them for years and swear by them.

Consistency and Content are KEY.

Consistency and content, two very powerful words in the marketing and blogging community. In order to keep your audience actively engaged, you need to produce relevant and valuable content on a consistent basis. Re-read that again and let it sink in, I’ll wait. Your readers should be coming to your blog because they can’t find the same content anywhere else. This is where the creativity and ability to produce valuable content comes into play.

This year I’ve made it a goal to be more active and consistent on my blog. I aim to release at lease 2-3 new blog posts each month with a newsletter as well. I love to use my monthly planner as my content calendar to see where I am with my ideas and drafts, as well as what’s to come in the future. Using a planner is also great for organizational purposes, you’re able to track and schedule your posts weeks in advance and jot down any necessary notes or reminders.

If you run into a creative rut or writer’s blog, don’t fret. We all go through this! There will be times where you don’t know what to write about or have little motivation to create anything, and that’s okay. I’ve been there before, often times feeling guilty because I haven’t produced content in weeks. But if we’re being honest, blogging isn’t easy, it takes time and a lot of effort. If you’re looking for creative motivation, feel free to send your audience a quick survey to see what kind of content they’ve loved in the past or want to see more of in the future. I also recommend you take a step back and look into your website analytics. If there is a blog post that has received more traffic and engagement than any other post, continue of that.

Blogging Takes Time

It may not be easy at first as you figure out your creative process and build your content calendar. Your blog is what you make of it. Therefore, the more time you put into it, the more you receive from it, I recommend taking an hour or two out of your day to simple focus on your craft whether it be copywriting or content creation. It takes time to build a consistent blog, but it is so worth it.

I am very fortunate for everyone that takes time out of their day to read my blog posts. The positive feedback and sweet messages I’ve received over the years continue to motivate me and push me to be a better blogger and creative.

If you’re looking for more information and insight on blogging, email marketing or SEO, check out the new series I’ve introduced to my website.

As always, please be sure to share and subscribe. Your support truly means the world to me! Xo